DG NILEST Visits Federal Ministry of Livestock Development

DG NILEST Visits Federal Ministry of Livestock Development

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DG NILEST Visits Federal Ministry of Livestock Development, Had a Parley with Minister Idi Maiha

The Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), Dr. Auwal Mustapha Imam, has today paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Livestock Development Alhaji Idi Mukhtar Maiha at his office in Abuja. 

The visit, which was initiated by the Minister to initially visit NILEST, supervise facilities and discussed idea was botched due to some reasons beyond the Minister's control. As a result, the DG decided to visit the Minister to facilitate the discussion for the benefit of the country's economic development. 

The dou had a fruitful deliberations and have fashioned out ways to improve on animal productions, hide and skin preservation and leather and leather products development in the country.

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