Dua of the Day
رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا
O’My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.
Ta-Ha, 20:114
اَللّـهُمَّ ارْزُقْني فيهِ طاعَةَ الْخاشِعينَ، وَاشْرَحْ فيهِ صَدْري بإنابة الْمخْبِتينَ، بأمانك يا أمان الْخائِفينَ
Lord! Grant me in it the obedience of the devout, expand my chest in it with the return to You of those who abandoned You, through Your security, O One Who brings security to the fearful!
Hadith of the Day
Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him.
Deed of the Day
Read the tafsir of some ayah of the Al Qur'an and tadabbur (ponder) over the meaning.
Share any lessons learnt with a family member or friend.
Quran reading plan for Day 15
With proper planning during Ramadan, the holy month of the year, you can successfully complete the recitation of the entire Quran.
Surahs to recite:
From : Al-Isra” - 1 - To : Al-Kahf - 74
"When a person dies, his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him."
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)